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by Cheyenne Sokkappa, on Jun 30, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Blazor has revolutionized .NET web development by enabling us to build interactive user interfaces using C# instead of JavaScript. But what sets a good Blazor application apart? In this post, …

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Topics:.NETWeb Application DevelopmentBlazorasp.net.NET 9

by Cheyenne Sokkappa, on Jun 16, 2024 5:00:00 AM

.NET 8 was a huge deal for Blazor. It brought us interactive render modes, static SSR for entire apps and a whole lot more. Now, .NET 9 is on the …

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Topics:.NETBlazorasp.net.NET 9

by Mauricio Rojas, on Dec 5, 2020 9:48:40 AM

Migrating a couple of WebSites from ASP.NET MVC to .NET Core, we found an interesting issue. NOTE: this issue was not caused by .NET Core, it is just an issue …

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Topics:application migrationC#asp.net.netcore

by Mauricio Rojas, on Jun 8, 2020 2:48:25 PM

I had a .NET Core application that relied on Windows Authentication, and I wanted to deploy it using Docker. Why? Well, I hate those "It worked on my computer" situations …

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by Mauricio Rojas, on Apr 25, 2020 10:43:25 AM

I few months ago I took an old VB.NET Winforms up and modernized with WebMAP to ASP.NET Core and Angular. I added some new controllers, integrated swagger, hangfire and some …

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Topics:asp.net coreasp.netvb.net

by Mauricio Rojas, on Mar 24, 2020 11:07:05 AM

While doing a migration from ASP Classic to ASP.NET we encountered some usages of the "no-store" CacheControl. In ASP Classic the accepted values for CacheControl are: Value Description Private A …

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Topics:application migrationMVCVBUCasp.net

by Mauricio Rojas, on Jan 31, 2020 6:26:36 AM

Ok. Let go back a few years into early 90s, those great years just after the Rick Astley hits (“Never gonna give you up…”). At that time, if you where …

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Topics:application migrationVB6VBUCasp.netvb.net

by John Browne, on Apr 25, 2019 5:37:00 AM

I just finished reading a white paper from a highly-respected technology company about their definition of application modernization. Their definition of application modernization is "repackaging" legacy applications for "more agility" …

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Topics:application modernizationasp.net

by John Browne, on Nov 29, 2018 6:02:00 AM

Almost done. If you've been reading along, you know we got Docker for Windows running, created a dockerfile in Visual Studio, and published our app to a directory where Docker …

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by John Browne, on Nov 29, 2018 6:02:00 AM

(Note: this is the part 3 in a four part series--if you're just starting here I would urge you to go back to Part 1 and 2 and read them …

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