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by Darryl Worsham, on Apr 28, 2024 12:15:00 AM

"Have we tried generative AI to modernize our legacy code?" It's the question every CIO will face sooner or later. Just last week, a CIO from one of our clients …

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Topics:legacy modernizationAIChatGPTgenerative AI

by John Browne, on May 2, 2023 1:30:17 PM

Many years ago I was an auto mechanic. This was in the days before digital motor electronics, electronic fuel injection, or other high tech add-ons that we take for granted …

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by John Browne, on Apr 25, 2023 4:18:54 PM

Generative AI--let's just call it ChatGPT for now--has arrived with the same level of enthusiasm as the good citizens of River City when Harold Hill showed up in town to …

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Topics:application migrationVBUCChatGPT

by DeeDee Walsh, on Apr 18, 2023 5:54:59 PM

Some might think we wrote this blog post in order to post a picture of a dog in goggles. They might be right but that doesn't mean we don't have …

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Topics:GitHub CopilotAIprogrammingChatGPTgenerative AI

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