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by Darryl Worsham, on Jul 21, 2024 5:00:00 AM

At GAP, we get a lot of questions from clients about which web framework to adopt. While there are many great options, I’m more and more feeling bullish about Blazor, …

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Topics:Microsoft.NETWeb Application DevelopmentWebMAPWinformsBlazor

by Cheyenne Sokkappa, on Jul 7, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Some technologies struggle to keep pace with the constant influx of new platforms and languages. PowerBuilder, a tool that has been around since the early 1990s, is one such technology …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentPowerBuildergovtech

by Cheyenne Sokkappa, on Jun 30, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Blazor has revolutionized .NET web development by enabling us to build interactive user interfaces using C# instead of JavaScript. But what sets a good Blazor application apart? In this post, …

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Topics:.NETWeb Application DevelopmentBlazorasp.net.NET 9

by Mauricio Rojas, on Dec 12, 2019 7:17:45 AM

Scott Hanselman is one of my geek heroes. So when I saw his excellent post I said to myself "it is useless to resist"!! So, I took our legendary Salmon …

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Topics:VB6.NETC#WindowsWeb Application DevelopmentVBUC.NET Corewebappsvb.net

by John Browne, on Mar 11, 2019 11:37:36 AM

Welcome back. If you've been reading along, in Part 1 and Part 2 we talked about what PowerBuilder DataWindows do, how they are used, and the challenges of modernizing PowerBuilder …

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Topics:application modernizationWeb Application DevelopmentPowerBuilder

by John Browne, on Mar 4, 2019 2:20:17 PM

In Part 1, we reviewed the nature and popularity of PowerBuilder DataWindows, and yes PowerBuilder was pretty cool back in the day. But so were leisure suits. Now, however, nobody …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentPowerBuilder

by John Browne, on Mar 4, 2019 2:20:04 PM

The DataWindow object is the cornerstone of PowerBuilder application development. PowerBuilder apps are largely designed around accessing databases, typically for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. In fact, most business …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentPowerBuilder

by DeeDee Walsh, on Sep 17, 2018 5:07:23 PM

Last week was a great week for software developers - on Monday, Sept 10th, Microsoft announced Azure DevOps which is a culmination of 15 years of work and provides the …

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Topics:MicrosoftMVC.NETWeb Application Developmentcode transformationVisual StudioDevOpsclouddevelopers.NET Coreasp.netConference

by DeeDee Walsh, on Aug 14, 2018 6:11:38 AM

Save the date(s) for .NET Conf - Sept 12-14. Virtual conference includes technical sessions and how-to's, demos and much more. #dotNETConf is the place to be starting Sept 12. I …

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Topics:.NETWeb Application DevelopmentAzureVisual StudioMobile securityDevOpsdevelopers.NET Core

by DeeDee Walsh, on Jul 19, 2018 3:03:08 PM

Another great Microsoft event in the bag. This week Richard Campbell (of ".NET Rocks!" fame), Sara Faatz of Progress Software and I headed to Las Vegas to hang out with …

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Topics:.NETWeb Application DevelopmentdevelopersdesktopConference

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