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by John Browne, on Jun 21, 2018 1:03:10 PM

In our last blog post, we looked at how to change the styling of individual elements in our migrated Angular application. Just a reminder in case you haven't been following …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on Jun 6, 2018 1:03:04 PM

Before we jump into the last installment, let's briefly review what we leaned in part 1 and part 2. If you're just jumping into this here, you probably want to …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by DeeDee Walsh, on Apr 17, 2018 6:09:43 PM

It's that time of year when we get ultra-excited for our favorite developer event - Microsoft Build - the quintessential geek event! You want code? There's tons of code. You …

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Topics:software developmentWeb Application DevelopmentDevOpsclouddevelopersConference

by DeeDee Walsh, on Jan 18, 2018 8:12:16 PM

2017 was a great year for malware, security breaches, billion dollar company valuations and cryptocurrencies, amirite? Over here at Mobilize, we had a great year of modernizing a lot of …

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Topics:application modernizationapplication migrationWindowsWeb Application Developmentcode transformationMobile securityDevOpsapplication securitydevelopers

by John Browne, on Dec 20, 2017 11:51:41 AM

We have a calculator. I made it. The purpose of the calculator is to help you estimate the cost of rewriting that legacy application from scratch compared to the cost …

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Topics:software developmentWeb Application Developmentdevelopers

by John Browne, on Aug 30, 2017 5:03:19 PM

We have a new video up today addressing the question of how state is handled in WebMAP apps. This concept is multi-layered and so the video is merely an introduction …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on Mar 23, 2017 5:06:29 PM

Today I watched a demo of an app we are finishing up--this belongs to an ISV who serves a vertical market and like a lot of those kinds of apps …

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Topics:application modernizationWeb Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on May 12, 2016 10:27:57 AM

In the first part of this series, we spent some time discussing how complex web application coding can be. Web sites are simple; web apps are hard. The good news …

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Topics:MVCWindowsWeb Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on May 3, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Historically we at Mobilize have focused on tools to transform app source code from one desktop platform to another, newer, desktop platform--the best known of these is VBUC which moves …

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Topics:MVCWeb Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on Mar 2, 2016 4:52:07 PM

The last big company I worked at (Microsoft) had a LOT of desktops (as you can well imagine). And of course they also had a lot of internal apps that …

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Topics:application modernizationC#Web Application Development

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