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by John Browne, on Jun 13, 2018 3:27:44 PM

We recently updated our WebMAP architecture posts to reflect the significant improvements that WebMAP5 makes in generated app code (compared to previous versions). If you haven't seen them, this is …

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Topics:application modernizationWebMAP

by John Browne, on Jun 6, 2018 1:03:04 PM

Before we jump into the last installment, let's briefly review what we leaned in part 1 and part 2. If you're just jumping into this here, you probably want to …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on May 6, 2018 8:00:00 PM

When I first joined Mobilize.Net--actually before I joined Mobilize.Net, since I was interviewing for the job--and I heard the business model was tools to do code conversion, I. Was. Skeptical …

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by John Browne, on Feb 22, 2018 6:00:00 AM

Here's a cool idea: take your old desktop ERP system and migrate it to the web. Then... Add a barcode scanner widget, run the client on a tablet, and use …

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Topics:application modernizationWebMAP

by John Browne, on Dec 25, 2017 6:00:00 AM

(With apologies to the Muppets--I mean Charles Dickens). Sunday, Dec 24, 2017 Ebeneezer Scrooge contemplated first the array of HD monitors arranged on his desk, then the view of Seattle …

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Topics:application modernizationWebMAP

by John Browne, on Dec 5, 2017 10:30:54 AM

DevOps is a pretty hot topic today, and if you feel like maybe everyone but you is doing it and you're not even sure what "it" is, this is your …

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Topics:application modernizationWebMAPDevOpsConference

by John Browne, on Nov 7, 2017 11:12:00 PM

A couple of weeks ago at the Microsoft Visual Studio Partners annual shindig and crabfeed (actually there was no crab), it was nice to run into Marissa Keller Outten from …

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Topics:application modernizationWebMAPSyncfusion

by John Browne, on Aug 30, 2017 5:03:19 PM

We have a new video up today addressing the question of how state is handled in WebMAP apps. This concept is multi-layered and so the video is merely an introduction …

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Topics:Web Application DevelopmentWebMAP

by John Browne, on Aug 22, 2017 11:05:24 AM

Being an introduction into how WebMAP implements ASP.NET MVC in generated code. WebMAP takes a C# desktop app and converts it to a web app. The fundamental internal architecture is …

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Topics:application modernizationMVCWebMAP

by John Browne, on Mar 23, 2017 5:06:29 PM

Today I watched a demo of an app we are finishing up--this belongs to an ISV who serves a vertical market and like a lot of those kinds of apps …

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Topics:application modernizationWeb Application DevelopmentWebMAP

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