
by DeeDee Walsh, on May 22, 2018 9:37:41 PM

It's been a couple of weeks and now we're fully recovered from the massive information dump we received at Microsoft Build 2018. Between tons of technical sessions, lots of new …

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Topics:Azurecode transformationVisual StudioclouddevelopersConference

by John Browne, on May 9, 2018 5:47:14 PM

Instead of boring old words today I just decided to show you some Build 2018. So check out the completely unedited video. And congrats to our XBox winners. We went …

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by John Browne, on May 8, 2018 5:39:34 PM

Tuesday May 8 dawned foggy with a promise of clear blue skies later. There was no fogginess in Microsoft's announcement of .NET Core 3, however where they are doing a …

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by John Browne, on May 7, 2018 5:17:53 PM

Build is Microsoft's annual homage to dorkiness and it's here in full glory. The de rigueur attire is a teeshirt with some kind of nerdy slogan or product (acceptable alternatives …

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by John Browne, on May 6, 2018 8:00:00 PM

When I first joined Mobilize.Net--actually before I joined Mobilize.Net, since I was interviewing for the job--and I heard the business model was tools to do code conversion, I. Was. Skeptical …

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