TODO #7010

    The connection string must be verified to fulfill the .NET data provider connection string requirements.


    In most cases, the conversion of ADO, RDO or DAO to ADO.NET will require a manual modification of the connection string.


    ADO.NET uses different parameters to connect to the database. The easiest way to know the appropriate connection string in the .NET environment is to use the "Data Connections" tool, which can be found in the "Server Explorer" tab of the .NET IDE, to create a new connection to the database and get the complete connection string from there.

    Sample VB6


    'Instantiate the connection
    Set cnConexion = New Connection

    'Configure the connection string
    strConex = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\SQLEXPRESS"

    'Set the connection string of the Connection object
    cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex

    'Open the connection

    Target VB.NET



    'Instantiate the connection


    Dim cnConexion AsNew SqlConnection



    'Configure the connection string


    Dim strConex AsString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\SQLEXPRESS"



    'Set the connection string of the Connection object


    cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex


    'Open the connection


    'UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider conecction string requirements.



    Expected VB.NET 


    'Instantiate the connection

    Dim cnConexion AsNew SqlConnection

    'Configure the connection string

    Dim strConex AsString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=NorthwindSQL;Integrated Security=True"

    'Set the connection string of the Connection object

    cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex

    'Open the connection

    'UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider conecction string requirements.


    Target C#


    //Instantiate the connection

    SqlConnection cnConexion = newSqlConnection();

    //Configure the connection string

    string strConex = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\\SQLEXPRESS";

    //Set the connection string of the Connection object

    cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex;

    //Open the connection

    //UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider conecction string requirements.


    Expected C#


    //Instantiate the connection

    SqlConnection cnConexion = newSqlConnection();

    //Configure the connection string

    string strConex = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=NorthwindSQL;Integrated Security=True";

    //Set the connection string of the Connection object

    cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex;

    //Open the connection

    //UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider conecction string requirements.


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