Reduce the time and cost of migrating legacy applications to modern platforms including .NET, web, mobile, and cloud.
We also offer professional services and support to ease the migration process.
With thousands of projects and billions of lines of customer code converted, we have a best-in-class track record of projects delivered on time, on budget, and at quality.
The ASP Upgrade Companion (ASPUC) greatly simplifies the complex migration process from ASP 1.0 to ASP.NET source files (.aspx).
Increase performance and reduce costs by moving from J2EE to .NET.
Accelerate the migration of your Informix 4GL assets to Java while reducing risk and cost.
Convert your Linc/EAE 4GL applications to J2EE with Mobilize.Net proven automated migration technology.
Don't see your legacy plaform? If you don't see your legacy platform (including C, C++, Access, and more), the chances are good that we can still help you out.
A Few Minutes With a Migration Engineer Can Make All the Difference
Spend a few minutes with an expert migration engineer who can help you understand the technical issues with your legacy migration.
Learn how you can migrate your legacy apps for a fraction of the cost of rewriting them.
Mobilize.Net accelerates and simplifies the process of bringing software applications forward to modern web, mobile and cloud platforms.
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