Geekfest 2 v2-1

Geekfest 2023 - Sept 29, 6PM to whenever

Yup, we're back! Here are the deets:
Sept 29 at 6PM
Two Lincoln Tower, 10485 NE 6th St, Bellevue

There's gonna  Be Stuff!

Including ALL your favorite geeks! Plus cheap beer and lousy pizza!

How much have you been missing Geekfest? A lot, amirite?? Well, the wait is over cuz we're hosting a Geekfest in association with Microsoft Alumni Network Connect

  1. Complete form so we know how much lousy pizza to order
  2. Also we need to know how much cheap beer to buy at Costco.
  3. Also we're probably gonna create a crappy t-shirt!

Be there or be accused of being a snobby sellout!!!

Contact Information

Microsoft Alumni Network Connect

Join us at Microsoft Alumni Network’s Connect 2023 global summit on September 28-29. You will CONNECT with your former Microsoft colleagues and friends from around the world, as well as make new connections with other alumni who share your interests, passions, and goals; LEARN about Microsoft’s latest technology, innovations and trends, and from 50 inspiring speakers, experts and mentors who will share their insights, experiences and advice on various topics; CELEBRATE your achievements, milestones and contributions as a Microsoft alum; GROW your skills, knowledge and network through various workshops, sessions and activities that will help you advance your career, business or personal goals; and HAVE FUN with your fellow alumni in a festive and friendly atmosphere, enjoying entertainment, games, prizes and surprises.